Disability Resources

People with Disabilities:  A Texas Profile - The Texas Workforce Investment Council
This most recent demographic report  highlights the characteristics of a specific population that is the focus of a long term objective in the current workforce system strategic plan.  Advancing Texas identifies Texans with disabilities as a population that warrants additional focus and planning efforts to ensure that they have access to relevant and effective workforce programs and services, and the opportunities to gain and maintain employment. 

Work in Texas

Work In Texas is the most comprehensive on-line job resource. At Work In Texas you can find a job, find an employee, and find another reason to love Texas.

Ticket to Work
Ticket to Work is an employment program for people with disabilities who are interested in going to work giving them an opportunity to work with an "Employment Network" while finding a job. Workforce Solutions Golden Crescent is an official Ticket to Work Employment Network, and is ready to help Ticket Holders find employment.

Disability Coalition of the Golden Cresecent  
The Disability Coalition is an association of community service providers that has been meeting since April 2008 to collaborate and increase emploment of individuals with disabilities in the Golden Crescent.

Texas Department of Assistive & Rehabilitative Services
Administers programs that ensure Texas is a state where people with disabilities, and children who have developmental delays, enjoy the same opportunities as other Texans to live independent and productive lives. 

San Antonio Independent Living Services (SAILS) 
SAILS is the Work Incentive Planning Administrator (WIPA) and Independent Living Center whose services cover the Golden Crescent Region. They provide Advocacy, Information and Referral, Independent Living Skills, and Peer Support to Individuals with Disabilities in South Texas.  Located in San Antonio they make visits to cities in the Golden Crescent on an as-needed basis.

Job Accommodation Network (JAN)
Excellent Resource for Job Seekers with Disabilities and their employers for finding new and improved accommodations available for helping an individual with a disability to work by reasonably accommodating their disability.

Office of Disability Employment Policy (Department of Labor)
A comprehensive strategy of public education, outreach, and evidence-based policy research and demonstrations to reach employers, business, and the disability community concerning the most effective ways to tap the underutilized talents of workers with disabilities.

Americans with Disabilities Act - U.S. Department of Justice
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a Federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in everyday activities, such as buying an item at the store, going to the movies, enjoying a meal at a local restaurant, exercising at the health club, or having the car serviced at a local garage.